HOG Chapter #0104 Yuma, Arizona
This Sat. Sept. 21st. LOH Ride ( FOR ALL HOG MEMBERS ) Sept. 21st. we’re scheduled for a D-Backs game in San Diego, Ca. We’ll meet at Loves on Gila Ridge. Safety briefing 12:45pm KSU 1:00pm. Lunch at Golden Acorn. Sat. Sept. 28th. Sober Riders M/C Yuma Crew are having their 3rd. Annual “Old Soul Pet Rescue Run"
Sat. Oct. 5th.
Bobby's Territorial Harley-Davidson open house is Oct. 5th. We'll be cooking burgers and dogs. (Details soon) Fri. Oct. 25th.
Oct. 25th. is "Bike Night" at Bobby’s H-D (Details soon) Sat. Oct. 26th. "Save the Boobies Run" Save the boobies TV raffle tickets are available at the H-D Shop for purchase or to help sell. Go get sum… H-D 365 RideSee the H-D shop and get your mileage in. Get the H-D app. for all the new Ride 365 challenges. Great way to ride and your HOG Card is added to the app. "MARK YOUR CALENDARS”
Upcoming LOH Events: ( FOR ALL HOG MEMBERS ) Sept 21st. San Diego D-backs game. Director: Reynold W Jerome III Yuma Az. HOG Chapter 0104 "Hogs Ride More Miles”